About the Minnesota Disability Bar Association
Founded in 2022, the Minnesota Disability Bar Association is an organization of Minnesota State legal professionals including attorneys, judges, staff, and students with and without disabilities as well as nondisabled allies. MDisBA offers peer support, networking, discussion, and outreach opportunities for our members with a focus on disability-related issues.
We define disability broadly to include self-identification of physical, mental, visible or non-visible, permanent or temporary, and active or inactive disabilities.
MDisBA’s bylaws are available at this link: Bylaws
Our goals include:
Educate the legal community about professionals with disabilities
Promote access for and elimination of barriers faced by professionals with disabilities
Provide a supportive and inclusive community for professionals with disabilities
Increase disability diversity in the judicial system
Improve meaningful opportunities for professionals with disabilities in the legal community
Promote opportunities for allies to support the disability community
MDisBA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. MDisBA does not provide legal advice concerning disability discrimination, disability benefits, or other practice areas.
We use person-first and identity-first language interchangeably on our website and other organizational materials.