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MDisBA Annual Meeting

During this meeting, which will be held via Zoom, we will hear from board candidates and vote to elect this Bar Year’s leadership board.  All positions are open including Pres., VP, Treasurer, Sec., and At-Large member.  To add your name to the ballot, please do so at the link here.  Please indicate which positions you are interested in, and include in approximately one paragraph indicating why you would like to be on the board and your qualifications.  In accordance with our bylaws, most members (including student members) are voting members, but only attorney members are eligible to run for office.  Anyone is eligible to be a committee chair, as described below.

During the meeting on September 29, we will have the candidates introduce themselves and then use ranked choice voting. For those candidates unable to attend, we will read the statement of interest.
In addition to the leadership board, we have many other ways to be involved, such as serving as a committee chair or committee member.  Our committees for this year will be:
•    Fundraising
•    Communications and social media
•    Mentorship

In accordance with our bylaws, the executive board will choose committee chairpersons after elections.  If you would like to be a committee chairperson, please email a statement of interest, including which committee you would like to chair and why you would be a good fit as chairperson.
Please register to receive Zoom credentials. If you have any questions about the process, please email Please also email to notify us of any accommodation needs.

July 20

Disability Pride Month Social Event

October 15

The Gender Justice Brunch: A CLE Conversation with Melissa Murray*